Course of Study - Bachelor of Arts in Business Leadership
Suggested Plan of Study
General Requirements (30 credits):
- BS 301: Economics for Managers (3 credits)
- BS 310: Introduction to Marketing (3 credits)
- BS 415: Financial Decision Making (3 credits)
- BS 402: Survey of Accounting and Financial Management (3 credits)
- TH 310: Theology of the Human Person
- MT121: Introduction to Statistics
- IS304 Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
- IS311 Information Systems Project Management
- IS407 Managing Information Technology and Human Risk
- IS410 Business Analytics
Concentration Coursework (30 credits with a C or better in each):
- LD 301: Leadership Fundamentals I (3 credits)
- LD 302: Informational Technology as a Leadership Instrument (3 credits)
- LD 303: Elements of Management and Supervision (3 credits)
- LD 304: Leadership Processes and Communication (3 credits)
- LD 340: The Art and Practice of Community Leadership (3 credits)
- LD 400: Leadership Fundamentals II (3 credits)
- LD 401: Legal, Ethical, and Spiritual Dimensions of Leadership (3 credits)
- LD 403: Organizational Theory and Behavior (3 credits)
- LD 404: Multicultural Issues in Leadership (3 credits)
- LD499: Capstone: An Academic Senior Level Integration (3 credits)
To learn more about Donnelly courses, please visit the Course Description section of the College Catalog.